Debate: Does the Bible Teach Pacifism for Christians? (LCI Greenroom)

Cantus Firmus
Cantus Firmus
Debate: Does the Bible Teach Pacifism for Christians? (LCI Greenroom)

I was recently given the opportunity to debate Jacob Winograd ( on Christian Pacifism for the LCI Greenroom ( Here’s the official description:
A growing number of Christians are becoming increasingly weary by the neverending war, and are becoming less enthralled by the arguments to start, fund, or engage in any new wars. Whether from practical or principled considerations, anti-war sentiment in America is growing, and the libertarian movement has been there to fan the flame.
At the same time, Christians disagree with whether or not there is an absolute restriction on violence of all types and in all circumstances. Libertarianism has a provision for defense against aggression, but perhaps God holds Christians to a higher standard than what we can advocate legally. Those of us who affirm a strong doctrine of biblical authority must wrestle with what the Scriptures teach. And for that, we’ve got two really solid thinkers on this topic, Cody Cook and Jacob Winograd.

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