About Me

My name is Cody Cook. I’m a theologian who received a BA in biblical & theological studies and an MA in biblical studies from God’s Bible School & College in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Apart from my work here, I’ve written articles for Reason, Plough, Rethinking Hell, The Stream, The Mises Institute, FEE, GodArchy, The Libertarian Institute, and The Libertarian Christian Institute, where I’m a regular contributor.

My most significant contributions are to to biblical theology and its applications to modern society–particularly the intersection of Christianity and libertarian/anarchist political theory. I have also contributed to the case for conditional immortality and Anabaptism.

The name Cantus Firmus comes from a letter written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer while he was in prison:
“What I mean is that God wants us to love him eternally with our whole hearts – not in such a way as to injure or weaken our earthly love, but to provide a kind of cantus firmus to which the other melodies of life provide the counterpoint… Where the cantus firmus is clear and plain, the counterpoint can be developed to its limits. The two are ‘undivided and yet distinct’, in the words of the Chalcedonian Definition, like Christ in his divine and human natures.”

Cantus Firmus provides books, audio, video, and articles that promote Christ as the central melody which gives all other melodies–from philosophy to politics to the arts–their definition. While my academic focus has been in biblical studies and biblical theology, a lot of my recent work has been focused on the intersection of Christianity and libertarian/anarchist political theory.

I’m also a husband and a father who loves my family, classic film, funk music, and world cuisine.

14 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Dear Chris,

    I am hugely supportive of your endeavors with this site! I’m a current grad student at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, pursuing a degree in “Theology and the Arts.” I currently manage a website entitled “Inkarnation,” which has a similar mission to yours.

    Just wanted to drop a line of encouragement from another writer and student in your field. Keep up the good work!

      1. Ha! An interesting typo!

        I attend a non-denominational church now, though I have some background in different churches. I attended a Seventh Day Adventist church when I was first saved and I got my BA from a Methodist Bible college. When I was a Seventh Day Adventist my Sundays and Friday nights were open so I hopped around checking out different churches, including a Mennonite church, a Brethren church, a Reformed Episcopalian Church, an organic house church, and a Messianic synagogue. It was beneficial for me to experience different expressions of the faith so I could see what they all had to offer the body.

  2. Hi Cody,

    Just wanted to say I read “The Second Adam” last summer and absolutely loved it! I’ve really enjoyed reading Pre-Nicene and Christian Pacifist writings, so your work has been a blessing to read. Blessings to you and your family!


    1. That’s really encouraging to hear, Micah! Thank you for taking time to drop a note. Blessings to you and yours as well!

  3. Hi Cody,
    I read your book “What belongs to Caesar” – during my masters thesis in Apologetics. I really enjoyed it. Its nice to see Libertarian Christians out there on the net. I have been a Christian for several decades, a libertarian for about 5 years… I decided to write my masters thesis on Romans 13 and have recently turned it into a book. I would love to have an endorsement of the book by a fellow Christian libertarian / anarchist. If you do have the time and would like to I can send you a PDF of the draft book. Thanks so much & God bless.
    Steve Forkin

  4. To Cody Cook: I saw some of your video: – Satan Goes to Hell –

    Anyway, I would like to show something very interesting concerning conditional immortality. I have a relatively short exegesis which explains the destruction of Satan’s kingdom. I haven’t seen anyone who has done an exegesis on this. It also has a couple of other important biblical facts about the final judgment that have been overlooked as well.
    I recently shared this with two Christian theologians who also believe in the doctrine of conditional immortality, and they agreed with my findings as they are straightforward and credible. So seeing that you are one of the contributors on Rethinking HelI, I would very much like to hear your thoughts. As soon as I get an email reply from you, I will send a file so that you may examine it.

    In Christ, Robert Gustafson

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