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Kindle & Paperback
Audible Audiobook

Kindle & Paperback
Hardcover Edition w/ Fight the Powers
Audible Audiobook
Video Trailer


Kindle & Paperback

Kindle & Paperback
Hardcover Edition w/ What Belongs to Caesar?
Audible Audiobook
Video Trailer

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Kindle & Paperback

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Kindle & Paperback
Audible Audiobook
All of these books are also available for free to read and distibute on PDF. Email me with the titles you’re interested in and I’ll be glad to send them to you!


4 thoughts on “Books

  1. I am reading the print version of Second Adam, and really enjoying it and finding it balanced and helpful.
    Is it possible to have it in PDF format, as well as Post-Enlightened and Gospel of the Resurrection, please?

    Thank you.

    1. Absolutely! Email me at cody (at) and I’ll send them to you. Thank you for the kind comment. I’m glad you’re finding it helpful. If you have time, please leave a review on Amazon to let other potential readers know if it would be helpful for them, too.


  2. I’ve finished writing an 8,000-word paper on the resurrection of the dead for Trinity Theological Seminary (in Evansville, IN) in which I quote from your book, “The Gospel of the Resurrection.” Which citation should I use: (1) (n.p.: Cants Firmus Media, 2020) or (2) (Cincinnati, OH: Cantus Firmus Media, 2015)? BTW, I attended your breakout session at the Rethinking Hell Conference last month in Evansville.

    1. Hey, Joe! Good to talk with you again! I’m glad that you thought my book was useful enough to cite.

      The paperback in 2020 was a second edition, so you’d probably want to reference it that way. The style guidelines (APA, Chicago, etc.) vary, but if you need to reference a city, Cincinnati would be fine.

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