Habakkuk and God’s Judgment Upon Militarism
Posted onI’ve been reading through the minor prophets (the twelve small books named after the prophets behind them in the Old Testament) and today I got […]
I’ve been reading through the minor prophets (the twelve small books named after the prophets behind them in the Old Testament) and today I got […]
We have a tendency in modern times to think of what one believes as not particularly important. However, this tendency doesn’t always serve […]
Before the second century theologian Tertullian uttered his rhetorical question, “what does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?” the church had already been struggling with […]
Last year, I had the opportunity of interviewing an older Jehovah’s Witness couple regarding some of the central JW teachings. They were both quite knowledgeable […]
I recently discovered an article by David Konstan entitled “Enacting Eros” (http://www.stoa.org/hopper/text.jsp?doc=Stoa:text:2002.01.0004). What interested me most about this article was its discussion of sex and […]
Consisting roughly of 50% good scholarship and 50% question begging, Ehrman’s How Jesus Became God is a great popular level look into how liberal scholars deal […]
There’s an interesting article that was brought to my attention by a Muslim friend. He asked that I respond to its claims. The article exists […]
Recently, the Christian humanitarian organization World Vision changed their policy of not hiring individuals in same sex marriages (http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2014/march-web-only/world-vision-why-hiring-gay-christians-same-sex-marriage.html). The change in policy does not […]
In the September 15, 1994 issue of Watchtower magazine (the teaching magazine of the Jehovah’s Witness organization) we read: “Of all international religions which is […]
The Jehovah’s Witness religion is a cult of Christianity (meaning it appears to be Christian but contradicts central Christian teachings) whose leaders, The Watchtower Bible […]