A Response to Brett Kunkle’s Philosophical Argument Against Annihilationism
Posted onStand To Reason’s Brett Kunkle posted a video today with a philosophical argument against annihilationism. In short, he argued that since man is made in the […]
Stand To Reason’s Brett Kunkle posted a video today with a philosophical argument against annihilationism. In short, he argued that since man is made in the […]
(the previous title for this post was “What Does Easter Sunday Have To Do With Social Liberation?” This material is also included in my book […]
One of the perennial difficulties in Christian theology is the relationship of the Old Testament to the New. Perhaps the strongest proponent for discontinuity between […]
An atheist going by the moniker “Counter Apologist” wrote an interesting post which goal was to undermine the Christian claim that man can have no […]
New podcast is up. Click here to listen. This podcast features an interview with Dr. Bill Ury. Dr. Ury received his doctorate from Drew Univeristy […]
I’ve been reading through the minor prophets (the twelve small books named after the prophets behind them in the Old Testament) and today I got […]
We have a tendency in modern times to think of what one believes as not particularly important. However, this tendency doesn’t always serve […]
Before the second century theologian Tertullian uttered his rhetorical question, “what does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?” the church had already been struggling with […]
In reflecting on my recent debate regarding who had the better moral philosophy, Jesus or Ayn Rand, I thought about a question my debate opponent […]
Who had the superior moral philosophy: Ayn Rand, with her focus on rational self-interest, or Jesus, who saw morality as both individual and communal? […]