In this episode we looked at Darren Aronofsky’s Noah (2014) and talked about its themes of judgment and mercy, misguided piety, and stewardship/environmentalism. We also examined its […]
The first episode in a new series on theological and philosophical analysis of films looks at Sin City (2005)–the film adaptation of Frank Miller’s comic […]
A story of two strangers… Audio: Video available on Youtube.
I examine biblical data on the origin and purpose of government and contrast it with the traditional right and left wing outlooks as classically formulated […]
A brief look at the Old Testament book of Daniel, its late date by critical scholars, and arguments for the early date which it claims […]
As an addendum to the previous podcast discussing the Documentary Hypothesis and the Pentateuch, I recorded this brief excursus on the book of Amos to […]
We examine the Documentary Hypothesis of the Pentateuch–the idea that the first five books of the Bible did not originate with Moses but were originally […]
Piggybacking on the ideas of Yehezkel Kaufmann and John Oswalt, this argument builds on the uniqueness of the ancient Israelite claims about the divine to […]
This podcast features an interview with Dr. Bill Ury. Dr. Ury received his doctorate from Drew Univeristy and is an adjunct professor at Wesley Biblical […]
In reflecting on my recent debate regarding who had the better moral philosophy, Jesus or Ayn Rand, I thought about a question my debate opponent […]