Should Christian parents cancel their Disney+ subscription? – an interview with Amber Carroll of EQUIP

Cantus Firmus
Cantus Firmus
Should Christian parents cancel their Disney+ subscription? - an interview with Amber Carroll of EQUIP

Amber Carroll was my guest to discuss how Christian parents should respond to increased LGBTQ+ content in children’s programming. Should we cancel our Disney+ subscriptions and run for the hills, start our own entertainment companies, or use this as an opportunity for a teachable moment? And how can we communicate a more traditional sexual ethic to our kids without shaming gay people–which could include our own children? We also talked about whether “reparative therapy” works, how poor of a job the church does in making space for same sex attracted people, how we’ve made marriage an idol, and how we can do better.

Amber is the Parent Content Specialist & Director of Operations at EQUIP, an organization which helps the church to better love sexual minorities. She writes content for parents of young kids, including EQUIP’s 10-hour Parent Course titled “Christian Parenting in a Sex-Obsessed Culture.” Enter the code CantusFirmus15 to get 15% off the price of the Parent Course for the remainder of 2022!

This work matters to Amber because her ex-husband is gay, and she’s seen firsthand some of the ways the Church didn’t offer the things he needed to thrive in his faith. Amber also has two young kids, and if one of them happens to be gay, she wants them to grow up hearing from the Church that God loves gay people and has good things for them. Learn more about Amber’s story here.

Other resources:
“Should Christian Parents Cancel JoJo?”
“Mom, Can Two Boys Get Married?”
Parent Conversation Starter: Coming Out & Gay Pride
Parent Conversation Starter: Preventing Homophobia
Parent Conversation Starter: Sexual Ethics

Follow Amber on Instagram.



F E E F I F O by Failed Kingdoms. Available here:

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